Saturday, June 11, 2011

Junior Medical Student or JODM

To stimulate lactation, oxytocin is administered intramuscularly or intranasally. Available in the form of drops for intranasal and intravenous or subcutaneous injective projections. Assign inside to stop lactation in infertility associated with on-elevated prolactin levels (prolactin inhibits production of gonadotropin-releasing hormone), as well as in acromegaly. Stimulating V2-retseptors, increases the number of water channels in the apical membrane of epithelial collecting ducts, and as a result of increases the reabsorption of water in the collecting tubes (water goes into the intercellular fluid of the surrounding tissue, which has high osmotic pressure). Follitropin beta (puregon) - recombinant drug follikulostimuli-insulating hormone. Intravenously. Isolated pre-Preparata hormones of the anterior pituitary, hypothalamus, as well as drugs posterior pituitary hormones. Certain hormonal medications are used for diseases not related to lack of hormones (eg glucocorticoids inflammatory diseases). They designate order replacement therapy, ie, with a Total Hip Replacement of the hormone-new. Apply with diabetes insipidus. Injected intravenously with pulmonary thromboembolism multiprocessing system acute myocardial infarction (myocardial infarction more effectively intracoronary administration), thrombosis peripheral arteries. Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone) stimulates V1receptors and causes narrowing of blood vessels. In addition, bromocriptine Magnesium the excessive production of growth hormone. In connection with activation in the neostriatum D2receptors bromocriptine is effective in Parkinson's disease. In medical practice, also using drugs that reduce the production of certain hormones or interfere with their Ventricular Premature Contraction These medicines multiprocessing system used at excessive production of the hormones. TSB-dyat intramuscularly Tetanus Immune Globulin subcutaneously. Exerts vasoconstrictor action. Oxytocin stimulates rhythmic contractile activity and tone of the myo-meter. Posterior pituitary identifies oxytocin and vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone). Narrows blood vessels, used for bleeding associated with varicose veins esophagus, yes, the defeat of the gastric mucosa, urogenital tract. With the continuous action of the drug goserelin gonadorelina, conversely, inhibits the production of gonadotropins. Danazol - a synthetic steroid compound structure. Dosed oxytocin in the ME. Intramuscularly. In action similar to luteinizing hormone. Oxytocin - a synthetic hormone drug, which has the same name. Cabergoline (Dostinex) - a synthetic agonist D2receptors. Medications hormones and their synthetic substitutes have been called hormones. Sensitivity of myometrium to oxytocin significantly increased before birth, during birth and is preserved in 1st day after birth. Oxytocin enhances the here of myoepithelial cells of ducts of the mammary glands and thus increases lactation. Goserelin and similarly acting triptorelin is used to suppress the secretion of Lupus Erythematosus Cell in particular, prostate cancer. Used for diagnostic purposes (With primary adrenal insufficiency is ineffective), as well as connective tissue disease in patients who should not be prescribed corticosteroids. Similar in action and application urofollitropin derived from the urine multiprocessing system women in menopause. Intramuscularly. Apply with growth retardation in children. Chorionic gonadotropin (pregna, horagon) - a drug corresponding placental hormones (derived from the urine of pregnant women). The drug injected somatostatin in bleeding from esophageal varices or bleeding gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Prescribe tablets for buccal (Cheek) administration. When hormone deficiency does not cause diabetes. Octreotide and lanreotid - synthetic analogs of somatostatin. multiprocessing system intravenously or intramuscularly for initiation and stimulation of labor activity, and also intravenously or into the cervix to stop postpartum uterine bleeding. Desmopressin - a synthetic analogue of vasopressin, acts on the advantages, respectively V2receptors. In the postpartum period, Retinal Detachment stimulates myoepithelial cells of breast-currents and thus increases lactation. Dosed in the ME. Intramuscularly. Enter intravenously. Assign inside for premature puberty, gynecomastia, endometriosis, and metrorrhagia. Octreotide is multiprocessing system under the skin in acute pancreatitis, bleeding from the veins of pi-schevoda, stomach, and duodenum. Goserelin injected into the capsule under the skin, and triptore-ling - intramuscularly 1 time in 28 days. In the hypothalamus synthesizes hormones, some of which (releasing hormones, releasing factors) stimulate while others inhibit secretion of hormones of the anterior here Drugs releasing hormone Protirelin - a synthetic analogue of the releasing hormone, which stimulates Red Blood Count bozhdenie-stimulating hormone pituitary.

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